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Other Courses in Admin and Office Skills Category

Medical Secretary Diploma

This course offers the highest level of specialist skills to work as a Medical Secretary. Cut through the jargon, see inside the systems, and start to understand what it’s like working in this world. The medical profession is a challenging sector where discretion, patience, sensitivity and an unwavering eye for[...]

Typing Skills Courses

Upgrade your typing skills with Pitman Training West. Courses at all levels. Increase speed and learn efficient typing techniques. Typing skills courses can greatly increase workplace productivity, enhance career prospects and improve office skills. Some of the typing courses on offer from Pitman Training West are listed below.. Audio Transcription[...]

Managing Irate Customers – angry clients training course and courses

All organisations will at one point have to deal with irate customers. This is one of the most difficult activates undertaken by any staff member. All customers, even difficult, aggressive or irate customers need to be valued if an organisation is to thrive. Staff who deal with irate customers need[...]

Legal Secretary Courses

Become skilled as a legal administrator. Legal secretaries work in a challenging environment and can benefit from attaining the legal skills required for these roles. Pitman Training legal administration courses offer certification in areas such as Irish law, civil litigation, company law and other office skills and computer training required[...]

Other colleges

Pitman Training Dublin-Swords

Pitman Training is a leading training provider offering specialist career-focused training, We provide the very […]

Pitman Training South

Pitman Training South are leading providers of career-focused training, delivering flexible and self-paced training and […]

Irish Payroll Association

The Irish Payroll Association (IPASS) is Ireland’s leading provider of nationwide training and education on […]

Griffin College

Set up in 1991 we have been providing training, education and consultancy services for over […]