BA(Hons)in Counselling& Psychotherapy with Addiction Studies

Course Details
- ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)
- Dublin, Limerick, Nationwide
- Counselling and Psychology
- € 4,050
- Level 8 QQI, Third Level and CAO
- 4 years
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
The B.A. (Hons) in Counselling & Psychotherapy with Addiction Studies has been designed for individuals who wish to become competent professional practitioners in counselling related fields with a specific focus on addiction studies. The syllabus covers a diverse combination of theory and competence development. It centers on areas such as understanding mental health, the theoretical evolution of addiction, substance and non-substance addictions, addiction intervention and recovery approaches.
It is taught using a combination of classroom-based and skill-based learning that allows the learner to avail of blended learning to access classes in person or using on-line facilities to allow for a better work/life/study balance while equipping the learner with the confidence, skills, and competencies to work in the addiction area of Counselling & Psychotherapy. While much of the course can be accessed online, in certain modules, mainly Skills Based, attendance is a mandatory requirement.
Having a student-centered approach that offers mentoring and placement support is a cornerstone of this course. Therefore, during work-based learning, each student will be required to undertake 200 hours of Direct client work under strict Clinical Supervision arrangements.
All students are supported with Personal Development Modules in the early stages of the Programme and are required to engage in a minimum of 50 Hours of Personal Psychotherapeutic Experience (or equivalent) across the programme. PPE may commence from the Second Semester of Stage 2 of the programme and will continue until Programme Completion. In certain modules (mainly Skills Based) attendance is a mandatory requirement.
Completion of the programme leads to an academic award at Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications awarded by QQI. Where successful graduates wish to pursue professional accreditation for practice, they must seek such accreditation from the relevant body in accordance with the guidelines of that particular body.