Blog » further education

further education

PLC Courses in South Dublin with DFEI Dun Laoghaire

Dun Laoghaire Further Education Institute is located at the Monkstown end of Dun Laoghaire. The college is well serviced by Dart and several bus routes…. PLC Courses in Dun Laoghaire with DFEI

PLC and further education courses

With the uncertainty that many leaving cert students can face in their final school year, it can be good to have some definite options for… PLC Options for Third Level

vtos courses

If you are over 21 years of age, unemployed and have been getting certain social welfare payments for at least 6 months you can apply… VTOS Courses in Ireland

plc stats

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) has recently published details of QQI awards achieved by learners in 2015. (This content was originally published in 2016) The… Further Education – Trends and Statistics

The recent recession has caused major upheaval in many people’s lives and as the reality of lack of jobs hits home, thoughts often turn to… Further Education Key to Recovery

new apprenticeships Ireland

The apprenticeship system in Ireland has been long due an overhaul and this has been announced recently by Education Minister, Jan O’Sullivan. 25 new apprenticeship… New Apprenticeship Options

colaiste ide plc courses

Coláiste Íde in Finglas, Dublin 11 is a further education college which offers a range of course options for post leaving certificate students and adult… Colaiste Ide, Late Vacancies

solas courses

The Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn has announced that he is appointing Pat Delaney as the chairperson of SOLAS; the new state authority for further… Solas Switches On

further education and plc courses

Further education includes training and education that takes place after second level but not as part of the third level system. A wide variety of… The Changing Face of Further Education

New Education Information Guide helps adults to get on course Significant reforms in the further education and training sector should not affect adults accessing education… Education Guide

further education cuts

On Tuesday September 17th, the first education congress meeting was held in 80 years. The newly formed Education and Training Boards (ETBs) met to discuss… Further Education Faces Further Cuts