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New Apprenticeship Options

    new apprenticeships Ireland

    new apprenticeships IrelandThe apprenticeship system in Ireland has been long due an overhaul and this has been announced recently by Education Minister, Jan O’Sullivan.

    25 new apprenticeship schemes have been agreed between industry and training agencies, including trainee positions in software development, medical devices, financial services, accountancy, logistics and hospitality. Further positions are also being considered from a total of 86 possible schemes which were identified by the Apprenticeship Council, following an 8 month evaluation process.

    The new types of apprenticeships are very flexible, ranging in duration from two to four years, and will be offered at Levels 5 to 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (previously the highest qualification was a diploma at level 6). The sole level 9 apprenticeship scheme is at master’s level and is an apprenticeship as an executive chef through IT Tralee’s school of culinary arts. The expectation is that 50-100 apprentices will be taken in under each scheme, creating as many as 2,500 places each year.

    Speaking at the announcement, Minister O’Sullivan said: “I want to thank the Apprenticeship Council for all the work it has done in bringing us to this point. It represents an important milestone in what has been a concentrated effort to improve the options available to those who wish to participate in apprenticeships, whether they are employers or prospective students.”

    Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD said “If Ireland is to be both competitive and innovative we need a highly skilled workforce. Apprenticeships offer a tried and tested method of developing highly skilled workers using a powerful mixture of course work and practical on the job learning. I am delighted we are now about to double the number of Apprenticeship Schemes to better serve the needs of a whole new range of industry sectors.”

    The 25 new apprenticeship schemes are listed below..

    Training Provider
    Apprenticeship Title
    Accounting Technicians IrelandHigher Apprenticeship in Accountancy
    Association of Craft Butchers of IrelandButchery and Fresh Food Retail
    CombiliftOEM Technician
    Dawson TravelTravel Professional
    Donegal ETBAdvanced Craft Welder
    Donegal ETBCraft Welder
    EircomTelecommunications Field Technician
    Fasttrack to ITNetwork Engineering
    Fasttrack to ITSoftware Developer
    Financial Services IrelandIFS Generalist
    Financial Services IrelandIFS Advanced Specialist
    Financial Services IrelandIFS Specialist
    Flour Confectionary and Bakers AssociationBaker
    Irish Hotels Federation & Restaurants Association of IrelandCommis Chef
    Irish Medical Device AssociationManufacturing Engineer
    Irish Medical Device AssociationManufacturing Technician
    Irish Road haulage AssociationHGV Driver
    IT TraleeSous Chef
    IT TraleeChef de Partie
    IT TraleeCommis Chef
    IT TraleeExecutive Chef
    Limerick IOTField Service Engineer – Electrical Technology
    National Institute of Transport and LogisticsWarehouse and Distribution Operative
    Plastics IrelandPolymer Processing Technician
    Zurich InsuranceGeneral Insurance Practitioner

    When training as an apprentice, generally the first off-the-job training phase will take place in an Education and Training Board (ETB) Training Centre while the subsequent off-the-job training phases will take place in an Institute of Technology. For more information contact your local ETB or SOLAS centre.