QQI Level 6 Early learning care Major award

Course Details
- College of Management and IT (CMIT)
- Nationwide
- Childcare
- E-learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 9 Months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Course Details
CMIT is offering those interested in pursuing a challenging and rewarding career in early years learning and care an opportunity to complete the brand new QQI Level 6 Childcare Early Learning and Care (ELC) Major Award.
This level 6 certificate is designed with Early Childhood professionals, and the children they will engage with, in mind. The aim of the programme is to enable learners to develop the knowledge, skills, and competence to work as autonomous practitioners, subject to practice supervision, promoting and supporting the holistic needs of children from 0 to six years, and/or to take responsibility for a room or area in an ELC setting. The programme comprises of 6 modules. The CMIT eLearning system enables learners to work at their own pace while being fully supported by a qualified Tutor.
There is a qualified Early Years Tutor assigned to all students to provide guidance and assistance throughout the course and written personalised feedback is provided on all assessment work.
By choosing to study with CMIT, students have 24×7 access to CMIT eLearning for the duration of the course. This includes comprehensive Course Manuals, Live Webinars, Videos, Quizzes and personalised Tutor Support and scheduled placement meetings both on-site and online to support learners. The course is very user-friendly and easy to follow. You will also be able to upload assessments and receive Tutor feedback online. You can use the eLearning system from any computer that has internet access.
About the Early Childhood Scheme
(ECCE) is a government-funded initiative offering a free pre-school year in an early education centre. Part of the requirements of the scheme stipulates that Childcare Leaders and employees must hold certain childcare qualifications to qualify for the scheme. The certification offered by this course fully meets the educational requirements for childcare staff who need to comply with the requirements of the ECCE Free Preschool Scheme.
Topics covered in this Level 6 Childcare course
Component 1: Inclusion, Equality and Diversity
Best practice approaches
Equality proofing
Component 2: Advanced Child Development
Key theories
Socio-cultural theory
Observation studies
Reflective practice
Component 3: Effective Leadership
Effective management
Developing self and others
Reflective practice
Component 4: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Approaches to curriculum
Teaching methods
Integrating play, activities and programmes into curriculum
Reflective practice
Component 5: Sociology and Social Policy
Types, and impacts, of discrimination
Legislation and regulation
Developing a rights-based approach
Component 6: Advanced Professional Practice (Work experience)
Work experience
Insurance during work placement/work experience is provided by CMIT through our insurance provider.
Who should complete this course?
- Anyone who wishes to commence a career in childcare, who needs to complete the Level 6 ELC Major Award and already holds a QQI Level 5 Award.
Entry Requirements / Prerequisites
- Level 5 Major Award Childcare or equivalent.
- Applicants will be required to completed 150 hours of Professional Practice Placement. This placement must be carried out across two notified early years settings as follows: (1) with children aged 0-2 years, and (2) with children aged 2 years 8 months – 6 years.
- Applicants will require Garda Vetting prior to commencing Professional Practice. Contact the college for details.
- Applicants will be required to participate in live online classes/webinars.
- Applicants will be required to participate in placement monitoring visits (on-site and online) during their course.
- Applicants must be a resident of Ireland / based in Ireland and hold a valid PPS Number.
- Basic working knowledge of computers and access to a computer with internet access and word processing software is required to do the course. For technical requirements click here>>
- As this NFQ qualification is delivered through English it is necessary learners will have sufficient written English skills to complete this course. Learners for whom English is not a first language will be required to provide evidence of meeting a minimum English language and literacy competency of B2 in writing, reading, listening, and speaking on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
- It may be possible to gain exemptions from certain modules of the course. If you hold ECCE components please contact us and we can advise you of possible exemptions.
- This Level 6 Childcare course is assessed through completion of project work, assignments and personal learner records which record your personal experience of supervision in a childcare context. All work submitted must be your own work.
- As part of our quality assurance, assessment work will be marked by an Internal Assessor, then checked by an Internal Verifier and an independent QQI External Authenticator.
Transfer and Progression to Further Studies
- This Level 6 Childcare course is listed on the Higher Education Links Scheme, and, on successful completion, may be used to obtain access to a course at a higher level (e.g., Level 7 or 8 on the National Framework). For more details contact us.
Protection for Enrolled Learners
- As this course is of 3 months duration or longer, learners who enrol on this course are protected under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012.
- CMIT has approval to offer students learner protection insurance. Learner Protection insurance is only in place when each student receives their Insurance Policy. Each learner should ensure that they receive a Learner Protection Insurance Policy in their name. Learner Protection insurance is provided by Arachas and underwritten by Aviva Insurance Ireland DAC. The learner protection policy provides for a refund of fees as specified in the 2012 Act. In some circumstances, it may be possible for a learner to transfer to a similar programme in another provider. In such circumstances, the learner may opt to receive the cost of an alternative similar academic programme. Transfer to another programme is always only a second option. The learner protection insurance policy is governed by s. 65(4)(b) of the 2012 Act.’
- Following successful completion of all required modules, you will receive a QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (ELC) Major Award.
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. CMIT is registered with QQI to offer programmes leading to QQI awards in the National Framework of Qualifications in Ireland.