Postgrad Diploma in Blockchain and Financial Technologies

Course Details
- Chevron College
- Wexford
- Business and Accounting, Business Technology
- Postgraduate, Postgraduate Diploma
Course Description
Postgraduate Diploma in Blockchain and Financial Technologies:
- Online & interactive course content, discussion forum & webinars
- Full time
- NFQ Level 9 – 60 ECTS Credits
- Complete Postgraduate Diploma within 1 year
- Certificate awarded by a leading UK university
- Online delivery
The course will equip you with the computation, mathematical, business and financial views of blockchain and financial technologies. After successfully completing the course you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theoretical as well as application of blockchain and financial technologies.
Course Modules
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- Intelligent Systems
- Security Management
- Machine Learning on Big Data
How You’ll Learn
- Coursework can take a variety of forms, including laboratory work, data analysis and oral presentations.
- The research dissertation is assessed on a final written report, a poster presentation and a practical component.
- You will receive detailed feedback on all assessment outlining strengths and areas of improvement.
- We consistently review our courses to ensure we are up to date with industry changes and requirements from our graduates. As a result, our modules are subject to change.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, theories and principles of emerging technologies in Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Big Data, Machine Learning and Security and Intelligent Systems.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contemporary tools and technologies to produce solutions relevant to the domain of Blockchain to meet a set of agreed requirements.
Thinking skills
- Apply critical reasoning to the production of smart contract environments.
- Demonstrate independent thinking and analytical skills while solving real-world problems related to blockchain and finances.
- Apply problem-solving skills to differentiate between prominent blockchain structures and permissioned blockchain service providers, including rising alliances and networks
Subject-Based Practical skills
- Analysis, interpretation, synthesis and evaluation of design methods and alternative solutions for a given problem in the diverse fields of finance, health, and technology.
- Identification and implementation of appropriate smart contracts.
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Structure and communicate ideas effectively, both orally and in writing.
- Work professionally as an individual and as a team player to develop creative solutions to problems.
Knowledge is assessed by:
- examinations (in-class and at end of year)
- individual/group reports
- group assessments
- presentations
Thinking skills are assessed by:
- all assessment tasks set (especially related to critical thinking)
- use of appropriate problem-solving skills
Practical skills are assessed by:
- assessment tasks requiring use of general and specialised IT applications
- demonstration of projects/tasks
- use of tools in practicals and presentations
Skills for life and work (general skills) are assessed by:
- evidence of group and team working
- ability to work to time constraints
- 4 x 12 week terms
- Live classes every Tuesday and Thursday evenings for 2 hours
- 3 Saturday mornings every term
Student support
At Chevron College we are committed to the ongoing needs of our students and offer unrivalled support to all our learners:
- Highly qualified and experienced tutors.
- Online & interactive course content, discussion forum & webinars – study when it suits you.
- Scheduled weekly webinars.
- Studies Advisor to assist with study plan and skills, in addition to referencing support.
- Recommended reading uploaded on online platform.
Entry Requirements
Bachelor’s degree 2.2 or above, in Computer Science (or equivalent degree with significant maths and computing content).
If English isn’t your first language, you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. We accept IELTS at 6.0 overall with no individual component below 5.5 or equivalent.
Qualification Gained
Postgraduate Diploma in Blockchain and Financial Technologies FHEQ level 7 comparable to NFQ level 9