Interview Techniques – Diploma training course

Course Details
- Kilroys College Online Learning
- Nationwide
- Employment Skills
- € 195
- Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 50-60 hours
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
The key objective of this home study course in Interview Techniques is to provide detailed practical advice on job applications and on how best to prepare for the interview in order to give you the best shot of getting the job you want.
The study units, the written assignments, the personal guidance of your own private tutor, all combine to provide our students with the basic knowledge and skills the job-hunter needs for real applications and interviews, with the confidence to succeed.
It is known that job applicants with good qualifications often fail to do justice to themselves when they enter the job market. Many do not know what is required of them by employers, nor do they succeed in projecting their personality, talents and ability at the interview, which, after all is the key element for obtaining work.
Course Contents
* Unit 1: Curriculum Vitae
* Unit 2: Preparation for Interview – Part I
* Unit 3: Preparation for Interview – Part II
* Unit 4: The Interviewer * Unit 5: At the Interview – Part I
* Unit 6: At the Interview – Part II