Freelance Journalism – Diploma training course

Course Details
- Kilroys College Online Learning
- Nationwide
- Literature and Journalism
- € 595
- Online Courses - Distance Learning
- 12 months
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
Journalism is a great career choice for you if you like the freedom of working to your own schedule, whether full time or part time. This freelance journalism course will provide you with all the professional skills you need to start your career as a journalist.
Every day hundreds of books, newspapers and magazines are published to inform and to entertain the general public. Most of these publications rely on large numbers of freelance writers to back up their own staff journalists.
This course will teach you all you need to know to meet their requirements and get you into print. With our course in Freelance Journalism you will have your own personal tutor who will read all your work; evaluate its strengths and its weaknesses and give advice and encouragement on how to improve your writing skills. Few achievements in life will equal the thrill of seeing your work in print.
There is also the possibility of your freelance writing being a profitable activity as well. So, whether you want to become a full-time freelance journalist, or to enjoy a very satisfying, paying hobby, this course will set you on the road to success.
Course Content:
* Unit 1: Introduction
* Unit 2: The craft of writing – part 1
* Unit 3: Selling your work
* Unit 4: Types of Articles
* Unit 5: Markets – part 1
* Unit 6: Markets – part 2
* Unit 7: The interview
* Unit 8: Money matters
* Unit 9: The craft of writing – part 2