Community, Youth and Family Studies (Cert/Diploma/Degree)

Course Details
- University of Galway – Adult Learning
- Galway City
- Social Studies
- € 3,355/3,855 Non-EU p.a.
- Blended Learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- Cert: 1 year, Diploma: 2 years, Degree:
- Start Date: 09/2025
Course Description
This blended learning programme is a four-year, part-time programme in Community, Youth and Family Studies. Students are awarded a University of Galway Diploma in Arts (Community, Youth and Family Studies) upon successful completion of the first two years of the programme and a Bachelor of Arts in Community, Youth and Family Studies on completion of the four-year cycle.
This programme is designed to enable participants to further develop and enhance their understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to Family, Youth and Community work practice and policy in Ireland or abroad. The main focus of the Degree programme will be on Community, Youth and Family studies, but will broadly incorporate community development, family support, adolescence, childcare, health, political and general socio-economic studies.
This course was developed in response to the continuing education needs of personnel working in community/voluntary and state sectors actively supporting community and family life in a rapidly changing society. It is an interdisciplinary course drawing upon selected components of Sociology, Politics, Community Development, Family Studies and Law.