Other Courses in Marketing, Sales and PR Category

Public Relations and Publicity Skills

This gives you an overall appreciation of the work that PR people do in writing press releases, organising functions, working with photographers. The course is taught in 7 modules. Fee includes tuition, IAPR registration, core text and examination.

Diploma of Marketing (Online)

The ICI Marketing program, designed in conjunction with industry leaders, helps you learn the skills you need to succeed in marketing quickly and conveniently. A successful career in marketing can be achieved if you have the right skills. Learn what these skills are and how you can develop such by[...]

Marketing and Social Media Management

Marketing Executives and Social Media Managers play a vital role in today’s ever changing business world with online methods of promotion and advertising helping businesses fight, thrive and survive. Social media usage increased by 160,000 between 2021 and 2022 with internet penetration increasing by 388,000 in the same year. Develop[...]