Personal Resilience and Wellbeing

Building Resilience has probably never been more important and yet many of us struggle to […]
Job Skills and CPD, Workshops

Unconscious Bias Awareness

This three hour Unconscious Bias Awareness workshop will introduce attendees to the concept of Unconscious […]
Job Skills and CPD, Workshops

Other Courses in Personal Development Category

Speaking with Confidence

Using drama techniques, enjoy improving, communication skills for interviews or speech making. Course includes Relaxation, Body Language, Vocal Techniques, Preparation for an Interview or Presentation.

Assertiveness And Self Confidence – Online Course

Self confidence plays an important role in our everyday lives. Being confident allows us to set and reach our goals. It provides stability when we are faced with a challenge; it gives us that push that helps us overcome difficulties. Self confidence is necessary in our personal and professional lives,[...]

General Learning

National Learning Network provides a wide range of courses leading to a Major Award in Levels 1-4 in General Learning. These courses equip students with foundation level personal, social, and work-related skills that will enable them to progress to greater levels of independence and participation in their communities, get employment,[...]

Personal Resilience and Wellbeing

Building Resilience has probably never been more important and yet many of us struggle to stay resilient in the face of difficult situations, pressure and stress. Increasing personal resilience in our work and personal lives means having a greater openness to change, avoiding our ‘thinking traps’ and engaging in a[...]