Secretary Courses Dublin

Looking for secretarial courses in Dublin what are the options for this and where is a good place to look?

There are lots of options available for secretary and office administration courses in Dublin. Many of the further education colleges offer office administration PLC courses. One such course is the Level 5 Office Administration course (5M1997). This award includes some compulsory components such as word processing, administration and text production whilst other components can be chosen from areas such as spreadsheets, database methods, communications, customer service, funds administration, reception skills, languages, business admin and others. The award is validated at level 5 NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications) and can be a direct stepping stone into employment.
Other courses are available both full time, part time and online via providers such as Pitman Training. Pitman Training Dublin offer a number of courses in specific areas such as their popular Legal Secretary course, Medical Secretary course and their Office Skills Diploma course. Pitman Training Dublin can be contacted via the form below.
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Other providers of secretary skills training in Dublin include Dorset College Dublin and Griffin College.
For online options, distance learning providers such as CMIT and Kilroys College offer office administration skills courses.
For more information view course listings for secretarial courses in Dublin on
Other courses are available both full time, part time and online via providers such as Pitman Training. Pitman Training Dublin offer a number of courses in specific areas such as their popular Legal Secretary course, Medical Secretary course and their Office Skills Diploma course. Pitman Training Dublin can be contacted via the form below.
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Other providers of secretary skills training in Dublin include Dorset College Dublin and Griffin College.
For online options, distance learning providers such as CMIT and Kilroys College offer office administration skills courses.
For more information view course listings for secretarial courses in Dublin on