QQI Minor Awards and Major Awards

What is the difference between QQI minor awards and QQI major awards?

QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) offer a range of education awards. These include major awards, minor awards, special-purpose awards and supplemental awards
Major QQI awards are the principal classes of award made at each level of the NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). Examples of these include the Leaving Certificate (QQI level 4), the Advanced Certificate (QQI level 6) or the Honours Bachelor Degree (QQI level 8). Major awards usually comprise of 8 minor QQI awards or modules. The CAS (Common Awards System) specification for each major award lists the mandatory modules which must be completed along with the elective modules which are required to make up the overall specified credit value of the award.
Minor QQI awards are for learners who achieve learning through course modules but not the specific combination of modules required for a major award. These awards allow learners to build up units of certified learning at their own pace to meet their own needs. Minor awards are also commonly referred to as component certificates. Minor awards are linked to major awards which allows learners the opportunity to build on their minor awards and work towards gaining the major award. It is important to note that minor awards are qualifications in their own right. Learners wishing to focus on one specific area or gain specific skills (for example accounting skills) may find that completing a minor award in that area may suit more than completing a major award which may be include unnecessary modules of study.
Major QQI awards are the principal classes of award made at each level of the NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications). Examples of these include the Leaving Certificate (QQI level 4), the Advanced Certificate (QQI level 6) or the Honours Bachelor Degree (QQI level 8). Major awards usually comprise of 8 minor QQI awards or modules. The CAS (Common Awards System) specification for each major award lists the mandatory modules which must be completed along with the elective modules which are required to make up the overall specified credit value of the award.
Minor QQI awards are for learners who achieve learning through course modules but not the specific combination of modules required for a major award. These awards allow learners to build up units of certified learning at their own pace to meet their own needs. Minor awards are also commonly referred to as component certificates. Minor awards are linked to major awards which allows learners the opportunity to build on their minor awards and work towards gaining the major award. It is important to note that minor awards are qualifications in their own right. Learners wishing to focus on one specific area or gain specific skills (for example accounting skills) may find that completing a minor award in that area may suit more than completing a major award which may be include unnecessary modules of study.