BTEC Qualification

Was looking at a course that offered BTEC award, whats the difference between BTEC and QQI awards?

BTEC is a UK qualification. For more info check out the following website; QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) is Irish and is an independent state agency tasked with promotion, maintenance and development of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), a 10-level framework for the development, recognition and awarding of qualifications in Ireland.
To get information on how BTEC and the Irish levels relate to each other you can check outthe QQI website (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) -
They look at qualifications from other countries and relate it to the Irish system. You can give them a ring with a general query if you are considering doing a BTEC course in Ireland and want to see what it equates to in QQI levels.
To get information on how BTEC and the Irish levels relate to each other you can check outthe QQI website (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) -
They look at qualifications from other countries and relate it to the Irish system. You can give them a ring with a general query if you are considering doing a BTEC course in Ireland and want to see what it equates to in QQI levels.