Diploma of TESOL TEFL (Online)

Course Details
- International Career Institute
- Nationwide
- Language
- € 28/weekly installments
- E-learning, Online Courses - Distance Learning
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
The ICI TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages) program designed in conjunction with industry leaders helps you learn the skills you need to succeed in marketing quickly and conveniently.
Course Outline
• Teaching methods
• Classroom management
• English systems, skills and spelling
• Planning lessons
• Productive skills, speaking and writing
• Receptive skills, listening and reading
• Teaching grammar
• Teaching vocabulary, meaning and context
• Phonology of English, teaching pronunciation and the phonemic script
• Visual aids, activities and games
• Testing for the EFL – ESL student
• Culture and the EFL – ESL classroom
• Professional development and employment
Career Prospects
The English language is in ever-increasing demand throughout the world. Knowledge of the English language and the ability to use this language is rapidly becoming a valuable global commodity.
For a TESOL teacher with an internationally recognised TESOL certification, job prospects are excellent. The huge desire to learn English in all corners of the globe has resulted in teaching possibilities in almost every country imaginable. There are openings in private language institutes, public schools, universities, business corporations, and kindergartens, as well as private tutoring and voluntary work. The TESOL profession is also a great opportunity to embark on a culturally enriching working holiday.
Study Mode
This entire course is carried out via distance learning. Distance learning is ideal if you need to adapt to work, family, or other commitments. It is also extremely beneficial should you simply wish to fast-track your studies (and career) and not be locked into a timetable.
• Free up valuable time, don’t waste time and money travelling to classes
• Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are
• Study a course that was designed in consultation with the industry
• Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for
• Easy interest-free payment plans from as low as €28 per week
For more information about this course, please enquire via the enquiry form now.