Human Resource Management 5M2102

Course Details
- Dunboyne College of Further Education
- Meath
- Business and Accounting
- Further Education and PLC
- 1 Year Full time
- Continuous Intake
Course Description
• Level 5 Tourism with Business 5M2011 or
Level 5 Business Studies 5M2102
This one-year course is aimed at students who wish to
develop their knowledge of Human Resource Management
and offers an ideal entry level to both higher education
training and employment. Students will also study many
other general business areas, which allows for general
business progression after the course also.
After further study, the course can lead to opportunities in
HR departments across a wide range of public and private
sector organisations.
Many large companies have a Human Resources department
while smaller companies can have one or two trained staff
members who look after HR issues such as recruitment,
staff training, labour law and other general Industrial Relations issues.
• Human Resources • Behavioral Studies • Marketing Practice • Business Administration • Communications • Work Experience • Business Law • Customer Service • Word Processing • Mathematics
Graduates from this course can access many university and college degrees throughout the country. There are places available to students NCI, TU Dublin and DBD directly on Human Resource Management degrees. Students may also progress to Business and Marketing degrees among others within universities such as Maynooth, DCU and UCD and in Technological Universities throughout the country. Students can progress to work in areas such as human resources or marketing with in small and large companies at entry level or assistant levels. With the Business element to this course, students can progress to work as administrators within an and in other types of offices.
DBS DB515: Business (Human Resource Management) (Level 8, 3 Years) TUD TU906: Human Resource management (Level 8, 4 Years) NCI NC005: Human Resource Management (Level 8, 4 Years) South East Technological University Carlow CW908: Human Recourse Management (Level 8, 4 Years) South East Technological University Carlow CW917: Human Recourse Management (Level 7, 3 Years) Ulster University Belfast N600: Human Resource Management 3 Years Maynooth MH101: Arts with Business (Level 8, 3 Years) TUD Tallaght TU932: Business Management (Level 8, 4 Years) TUD Tallaght TU987: Business Management (Level 7, 3 Years) DCU DC111: Business (Level 8, 3-4 Years)
• Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied
• Mature Students or;
• Other equivalent qualifications
All applicants will be interviewed regardless of
previous qualifications.
Apply directly at