Advanced Certificate in Office Administration Course 6M5013

Course Details
- Dunboyne College of Further Education
- Meath
- Admin and Office Skills, Administration
- Further Education and PLC, Level 6 QQI
- 1 year
Course Description
These courses will enable students to gain the skills necessary to manage the administration of any company or small business. Students will learn about the administration skills required to do their job to a high standard and to supervise others within the administration department. The overall aim of the course is to provide the student with the opportunity to acquire the skills and competence to work independently or in a supervisory capacity and administrative role in the private, public or voluntary sector. Students will receive advanced training in Level 6 Courses Microsoft Office applications and office administration. This course will allow you to progress directly to work or progress to higher education at degree level with possibility for advanced entry to year 2.
Entry Requirements
One of the following: Level 5 QQI Award Office Administration or Business Studies (or equivalent) in a related course • Proficiency in computer skills • Applicants with relevant work experience will also be considered • For Mature Applicants (aged 21 or over) – appropriate experience will be considered in lieu of formal qualifications.
Course Modules
6N4169 Administration Practice OR 6N4310 Business Management 6N0697 Customer Service 6N1946/6N1949 Work Experience / Personal and Professional Development 6N4089 Spreadsheets 6N4977 Word Processing 6N4005 Payroll Manual and Computerised 6N4329 Supervisory Management 6N4322 Employment Law 5N1354 Bookkeeping Level 5
Certification • QQI Level 6 in Office Administration (6M5013) •QQI Level 6 in Business (6M4985)