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Other Courses in Health and Safety Category

Psychology in everyday life.

Social psychology studies how we form and maintain impressions and attitudes, how others can influence our behaviour, why we have bias and aggression towards others and why some people are more likely to help others.   5 week short course.

First Aid Responder Limerick

On completion of the First Aid Responder course participants will have the skills to: Deal with life threatening or potentially life threatening conditions in the pre-hospital environment until arrival of emergency medical services. Provide First Aid Response for conditions not thought to be life-threatening but are necessary to prevent further[...]

W503 Noise Measurement and Effects

MOLONEY and ASSOCIATES Acoustic and Environmental Consultants have been awarded Approved Training Provider status by the Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA).  The OHTA courses are internationally recognised and facilitate students to develop a career in occupational hygiene and related fields.  The courses are accredited by the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS). The[...]

Paediatric First Aid

This course is designed to provide childcare staff, young mother groups or family members first aid training for children and infants. Learn how to assess a child or infant for injuries, how to apply CPR, take the necessary steps required to treat choking, bleeding, burns and medical certain conditions specific[...]

Other colleges


Symetri is Ireland’s leading Autodesk Training provider that offers a wide range of training options […]

Irish Payroll Association

The Irish Payroll Association (IPASS) is Ireland’s leading provider of nationwide training and education on […]

ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)

The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences is an independent third-level college that prides […]

School of Informatics and Creative Arts DKIT

The School of Informatics and Creative Arts, Dundalk Institute of Technology has a diverse range […]