CAO Offers and Acceptance Process

The Central Applications Office (CAO) have a helpful online video tutorial aimed at students who will receive CAO offers. The 4 minute video can be seen below and also on the student resources section of the CAO website.
The video gives step by step guidance on the offer and acceptance process. It also answers some common questions that arise during this time. Eileen Keleghan (CAO Communications Officer) has encouraged students to share this video with fellow applicants to help them get the most from the offers they may receive from the CAO. The guide explains what to do on receipt of an offer and also some advice if no CAO offer is received.
Successful applicants to the CAO can receive notification through a variety of media depending on what they have chosen on their application form these methods include SMS text, email and also by post (arriving a little later than the electronic methods). Round one offers should arrive on 15th August with round 2 offers arriving 10 days later.
Applicants are encouraged to check the available place listings on the CAO website. Students may apply for these college placements provided that they meet the minimum requirements (other restrictions also apply).
For more information on CAO application and student resources, visit