
Course Description This horticulture course with Rehab Ireland is aimed at people with disabilities or […]
Further Education and PLC

Other Courses in Horticulture and Agriculture Category

Gardening For Beginners

Gardening is a great hobby to keep you stay physically and mentally fit. This course is intended for beginners and gardeners who have some experience in the garden and want to expand their knowledge. The objectives of this course is to introduce participants to the world of gardening and learn[...]

Gardening – Diploma Training Course

Learn to enjoy the Garden you always wanted. Gardening is the fastest growing leisure pastime for many practical as well as economic reasons. There are sound economic reasons for getting the most out of your garden. Aside from the considerable saving in expenditure, vegetables taste better when they come from[...]

The Gardening Year

Make the best use of your garden. This course follows the development of the garden through the year.It describes the ornamental and practical uses of the space around your home.It will include an introduction to design, choice of plants, the wildlife garden, the kitchen garden and many other aspects of[...]

Basic Garden planning and Design

Design/Re-design your own garden, understand plant nomenclature. Learn the short cuts to low maintenance.. Lawn care and how to maintain a colourful garden all year. General garden tips and advice