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Accounting and Bookkeeping

Accounting courses IrelandAccounting Courses in Ireland are available in many formats and fields. Online, part time and full time modes of study offer options for those with limited time or location constraints as well as those looking for more intensive study such as PLC or third level students. Many specialty areas can be chosen including, payroll, taxation, accounting software, general accountancy as well as basic book-keeping for business owners and part time learners.

ACCA accountancy courses Ireland

The ACCA Qualification is a leading accountancy qualification for aspiring financial professionals – providing students with the abilities, knowledge and values to aspire to successful… ACCA Courses

payroll courses

Types of Payroll Courses In Ireland, there are various payroll training courses designed to cater to different skill levels and needs. These include: Certificate Courses:… Payroll Training Options in Ireland

book keeping and accounting courses in Ireland

There are a multitude of courses available at all levels of entry for the aspiring book-keeping student. For those who may wish to attain a… Book-Keeping Courses in Ireland