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Other Courses in Personal Development Category

Anger Management – Online Course

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” We would like to add a third item to his list: anger. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets[...]

Assertiveness Skills

Being assertive is not as simple as simply asserting ones rights. It is a tool used in modern business for successful interaction with staff and clients. It is the ability to expresses ones views in the proper manner without fear or anxiety in order to obtain a desired goal. This[...]

Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator Training Programme

The Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator Training Programme is a one year course from April to April and will provide learners with the skills, understanding and practical experience of involving equines in programmes which can assist in the achievement of cognitive and behavioural changes amongst young people, teenagers and adults. For more[...]

Personal Growth and Development

Identify and achieve what you really want in life! Find the confidence and conviction to make the changes that are necessary. Unlock individual potential to achieve higher levels of performance in personal life and career. Dealing with change: Motivation: Goal setting: Exploring values and beliefs: Dealing with stress: Time /[...]

Other colleges

HR Learning Academy

Human Resources is a complex subject and studying HR provides opportunities for people to pursue […]

UX Design Institute

The UX Design Institute offers globally recognised, industry-approved courses in UX design, providing comprehensive education […]

Dorset College Dublin – Online Professional Diploma Courses

Established in 1983, Dorset College is an independent third level institution which is located in […]

ICHAS (Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences)

The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences is an independent third-level college that prides […]